I never really understood the song Smells like Teen Spirit. I guess the real tragedy of that guy's suicide is that we'll never know what that song was supposed to mean.
Anyway, this morning, on my morning commute via the regional bus system, I was in the unfortunate position of actually having to sit next to a stranger. Now, I know that some people say they never sit next to a stranger for more than a minute because it should never take more than 60 seconds to get to know someone, but that isn't exactly my motto.
Getting back to the issue, I had to decide who to sit next to. Since my past experiences have told me that men on the bus tend to smell worse than women on the bus, I went with a sort-of-semi-professional-looking middle aged woman. I thought she was a safe bet because she wasn't overweight (so he wouldn't overlap onto my seat), she wasn't talking to herself, and she was reading something (literacy is usually a good sign).
Boy was I surprised when I sat down. It only took a few seconds to realize that she smelt like spaghetti! Not just a hint, but like she bathed in it that morning. I'm not sure how someone pulls that off, but had some serious spaghetti stink on. Do you know what it does to someone to smell spaggeti that early in the morning? That bus ride was one of the longest ones of MY LIFE!!!
So, my thought-provoking question to you, my loyal readers is Have you ever left the house smelling like spagettti? Not only that, but what do you think stinking like spaghhetti teaches us about who we really are, and what our relationship is with the universe? After all, it take a village to raise a baby, but it only takes one spageti stinker to make the others wish they would have been ostracized from the village years ago for crossing the state line to dance to "rock/n/roll" music.