When I was a kid, we used to scream the Ice Cream/I Scream song in the back of our orange Chevy stationwagon as Mom drove us around town. Sometimes my mom remembers that car as being brown, but I remember it as orange. I guess it was probably old enough that the brown faded to orange by the time I was old enough to remember anything at all.
The point I'm trying to make is that back in the late 90s, everyone put an "i" in front of their company name so they could become overnight millionaires. It might have started with the iMac (those guys at Apple are always the trendsetters--except they never did convince the rest of the computer world to give up the second mouse button, did they?). Next thing you know, there's the website iWon (I never won a darn thing from them, but every morning I shot out of bed to see if I had been that day's lucky $10,000 winner).
Amidst the I-craze was the E-craze. If one vowel works, then why not another? So, we got Emachines, and E-commerce, and E-mail, and just about e-everything else you could e-imagine.
Well, we've come a long way (baby) since then. Now we have YouTube (they should have called it Utube). It's no longer about me (like MySpace and MyYahoo and MyEbay), it's all about YOU! Doesn't that make YOU feel special? Well, it makes about 10 bazillion people each day feel special as they watch crazy boring lipsyncs of crazy bad songs instead of doing... ummm... whatever they're supposed to be doing (like walking their dog, or typing an essay, or baking muffins).
So, really this blog is kind of a retro-blog (kind of like one of the older planets of the blog-o-solar-system) since it starts with an "i." If I wanted to be soooo 2006, I should have started it with a U or a You. And if anyone out there is anxious to start tomorrow's blog, I'd suggest you start with V, W, X, Y, or Z. That'll keep you one step ahead of 'em. After that, I think we have to switch to greek alphabets, in which case only fratties and sratties will know what the heck is going on.
Anyway, I sure could go for a big scoop of Zcream right now. Iwill have to make myway over to Eben and Ijerry's as soon as Ican.
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