Do you remember when you were in 6th grade and you had to do all those fitness tests? If you did well, then you got a certificate with the president's seel on it? Well, that was to tell you that your certificate was official, or in other words, that the president was up late the night before pasting seels onto certificates for 50,000 6th graders across the country. Back then, presidents sure did know how to serve the people. These days, I can't even get the prez to answer my emails.
Anyway, I thought that I should tell you that I'm official because I got a seal today for my blogging homepage. This is huge. It's not like
these things grow on trees. I'm not sure which president of which country was up all night making this, but I sure do appreciate it. Anyway, here it is:

The observant among you will notice the initials F.O.E. on the bird's scrooll. Do you know what that means? I wasn't exactly sure, so I googled it and found out that it means lots of things, like:
- Friends of Earth
- Fraternal Order of Eagles
- Fight the Obesity Epidemic
- Friends Or Enemies
So, let's see, which one of these do I want? #4 just sounds confused. #3 is too controversial. I mean, a lot of people don't want to fight obesity so I might lose some friends if I take a hard stand against it. #2 is cool because eagles are cool, but I'm not even sure that that bird is an eagel. So, I guess that leaves me with good ol' #1. This is the best option because I'm often told that I'm #1. I'm often first in long lines and I am the first to read my new posts.
There you have it. It's official: I'm number 1!!!!
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