Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't

I wonder how many people have this tattooed on their bootie, ankle, or in a big heart on their bicep (where it used to say MOM). I guess those of you who had MOM tattooed on your big ol' bicep started to fell silly about it when people teased you about being a momma's boy or momma's girl, but don't worry, I won't tease you.

How many of you have seen the famous octopimpy tattoo? I can't believe that our friends at google don't have it indexed yet. How are they going to take over the world if they don't even have a picture of octopimpy? The best I could find was this (when searching for octopimp):
I don't know about you, but that doesn't look pimpy at all to me. That looks like octo-barbeque-skewer-through-your-head-y. I hope no one has that tattooed on the small of their back. About the only cool thing about that picture is that the octopus has 8 legs. Everything else is pretty much kindergarten work.

I wonder if Suri Cruise will be getting a tattoo like this one??? Ha, Ha, Ha, ha, ha.

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